Jakarta - Pemangkasan budget dan pemutusan hubungan kerja akibat resesi ternyata sangat rawan pada keamanan data perusahaan. Dalam hal ini, email bisa menjadi teknologi yang paling berisiko. Lewat email, data penting perusahaan bisa diteruskan ke mana saja.
Perusahaan keamanan email, Proofpoint menyatakan, lebih dari sepertiga perusahaan menderita kebocoran data dikarenakan email. Angka "kecelakaan" ini naik 28% dibandingkan tahun 2008 lalu. Oleh karena itu, pencegahan terhadap kebocoran email ini juga turut meningkat.
detikINET kutip dari V3, Rabu (12/8/2009), lebih dari setengah perusahaan telah mendisiplinkan staf pekerjanya akibat pelanggaran kebijakan penggunaan email. Bahkan, 31,6% di antaranya telah memecat karyawannya.
Lantas apa hubungannya kebocoran email perusahaan dengan pemecatan karyawan? Ternyata, masih dari survei yang dilakukan perusahaan asal California itu, muncul fakta bahwa kenaikan aksi pemecatan itu mendorong para karyawan untuk mencuri informasi bekas tempat kerjanya itu. Sekitar 18% dari mereka bahkan telah diinvestigasi akibat kasus ini pada tahun lalu.
( sha / rou )
Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009
Membantu Lembaga Keuangan Bank dan Non Bank Dalam Penerapan Sustainable Finance (Keuangan Berkelanjutan) - Environmental & Social Risk Analysis (ESRA) for Loan/Investment Approval - Training for Sustainability Reporting (SR) Based on OJK/GRI - Penguatan Manajemen Desa dan UMKM - Membantu Membuat Program dan Strategi CSR untuk Perusahaan. Hubungi Sdr. Leonard Tiopan Panjaitan, S.sos, MT, CSRA di: leonardpanjaitan@gmail.com atau Hp: 081286791540 (WA Only)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Facebook Bersiap Tetapkan Status Terlarang
Facebook berencana menerapkan perubahan pada Terms of Service mereka. Perubahan kali ini akan mencakup, antara lain, hal-hal yang terlarang untuk dituliskan pengguna Facebook pada baris Status mereka.
Seperti dikutip detikINET dari TechCrunch, Rabu (12/8/2009), perubahan aturan itu akan melarang status pengguna yang sifatnya komersial. Dengan demikian, pengguna Facebook yang menjual update Status-nya ke pemasang iklan akan dianggap melanggar peraturan situs jejaring sosial tersebut.
Secara umum, profil pribadi pengguna Facebook akan dilarang digunakan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan komersial. Rancangan peraturan baru itu berbunyi: You will not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser).
Saat ini aturan tersebut baru diajukan Facebook melalui blog resmi mereka dan bisa dilihat di Facebook Site Governance. Jika tak ada keberatan, Facebook akan menerapkan rancangan ini sebagai aturan baru yang harus dipatuhi semua anggotanya.
( wsh / wsh )
Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009
Source: http://www.detikinet.com/read/2009/08/12/141258/1181893/398/facebook-bersiap-tetapkan-status-terlarang
Seperti dikutip detikINET dari TechCrunch, Rabu (12/8/2009), perubahan aturan itu akan melarang status pengguna yang sifatnya komersial. Dengan demikian, pengguna Facebook yang menjual update Status-nya ke pemasang iklan akan dianggap melanggar peraturan situs jejaring sosial tersebut.
Secara umum, profil pribadi pengguna Facebook akan dilarang digunakan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan komersial. Rancangan peraturan baru itu berbunyi: You will not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser).
Saat ini aturan tersebut baru diajukan Facebook melalui blog resmi mereka dan bisa dilihat di Facebook Site Governance. Jika tak ada keberatan, Facebook akan menerapkan rancangan ini sebagai aturan baru yang harus dipatuhi semua anggotanya.
( wsh / wsh )
Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009
Source: http://www.detikinet.com/read/2009/08/12/141258/1181893/398/facebook-bersiap-tetapkan-status-terlarang
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How Eco-Savvy Are You?
It’s Earth Month, and that means lots and lots of information coming at you about how to live with a lighter environmental footprint. Of course, with all of the media focus on sustainability over the past couple of years, you may figure there’s not much left for you to learn. Maybe… or maybe not! Take this quiz to see how much you do know… and what you can still learn about the green life.
Content courtesy of our partner Intent.com
1. You’re shopping for ingredients to take to a potluck a neighbor is hosting, and want to choose the most Earth-friendly options. Which of the following labels has strict definitions attached to it, and is certified by a third party?
2. A friend suggests that the two of you chip in and purchase a CSA (community-supported agriculture) membership for the coming year. You think hard, and try to remember what a CSA is. Is it:
a.A farmers market in the neighborhood?
b.A food cooperative?
c.An urban or community garden?
d.A model for buying “shares” in a local farmer’s harvest?
3. The weather warms up, and, one morning, you discover your puppy is covered in fleas after playing outside. What’s the most potentially harmful way (to the environment, and your puppy) to handle this problem?
a.Sprinkling diatomaceous earth over your yard
b.Spraying beneficial nematodes over your yard
c.Bathing your puppy in an herbal flea shampoo containing citrus oils
d.Begin applying a monthly spot-on flea treatment from the veterinarian
4. You've got a sizzling hot weekend of romance planned. Among your plans: introducing some new toys to your relationship (yeah, those kinds of toys). To ensure a safe, healthy experience for your partner and yourself, you want to make sure the sex toys you purchase are free of ____.
5. Work, family, and friends have kept you hopping lately, and now the house is well past its deadline for cleaning. What's the one quality you should look for in a "green" cleaning product?
a.It's free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
b.It's free of chlorine bleach
c.It's homemade from non-toxic ingredients
d.All of the above
6. Your energy bills have been through the roof lately. What's the most important step you can take to lower your use of energy (and, in the process, lower those bills!)?
a.Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents
b.Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use
c.Increase insulation levels in your exterior and basement walls, ceilings, floors, and crawl spaces.
d.Switch from a desktop to a laptop computer
7. Keeping healthy and fit requires a regular exercise routine, but much of the "stuff" associated with working out these days consumes resources unnecessarily, and creates waste and pollution. What's the most important step you can take to minimize the environmental impact of your exercise regimen?
a.Buy (and use) a reusable water bottle.
b.Take your exercise routine off the treadmill and elliptical, and get outside to work out.
c.Join a "green gym"
d.All of the above
8. From excess packaging to the potential presence of parabens (say that three times fast!), the morning beauty routine can take its toll on the environment, and even present health threats. Which of the choices for changing beauty and personal care habits listed below will most likely make multiple positive impacts on your health and your environmental footprint?
a.Buy cosmetics and personal care products labeled "organic"
b.Cut back on the number of products (even "safe" products), and use them less often
c.Buy cosmetics and personal care products labeled "natural"
d.Grind your own minerals, mix your own moisturizers, and boil your own soap.
9. You're cooking for a group of friends, several of whom are vegan. The recipe you want to make lists eggs as an ingredient. What should you do?
a.Ditch the recipe, and serve carrot and celery sticks.
b.Include the eggs--they won't notice.
c.Replace the eggs with mashed bananas
d.None of the above
By Jeff McIntire-Strasburg
Source: http://www.beliefnet.com/Holistic-Living/Environment/Quizzes/How-Eco-Savvy-Are-You.aspx
Content courtesy of our partner Intent.com
1. You’re shopping for ingredients to take to a potluck a neighbor is hosting, and want to choose the most Earth-friendly options. Which of the following labels has strict definitions attached to it, and is certified by a third party?
2. A friend suggests that the two of you chip in and purchase a CSA (community-supported agriculture) membership for the coming year. You think hard, and try to remember what a CSA is. Is it:
a.A farmers market in the neighborhood?
b.A food cooperative?
c.An urban or community garden?
d.A model for buying “shares” in a local farmer’s harvest?
3. The weather warms up, and, one morning, you discover your puppy is covered in fleas after playing outside. What’s the most potentially harmful way (to the environment, and your puppy) to handle this problem?
a.Sprinkling diatomaceous earth over your yard
b.Spraying beneficial nematodes over your yard
c.Bathing your puppy in an herbal flea shampoo containing citrus oils
d.Begin applying a monthly spot-on flea treatment from the veterinarian
4. You've got a sizzling hot weekend of romance planned. Among your plans: introducing some new toys to your relationship (yeah, those kinds of toys). To ensure a safe, healthy experience for your partner and yourself, you want to make sure the sex toys you purchase are free of ____.
5. Work, family, and friends have kept you hopping lately, and now the house is well past its deadline for cleaning. What's the one quality you should look for in a "green" cleaning product?
a.It's free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
b.It's free of chlorine bleach
c.It's homemade from non-toxic ingredients
d.All of the above
6. Your energy bills have been through the roof lately. What's the most important step you can take to lower your use of energy (and, in the process, lower those bills!)?
a.Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents
b.Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use
c.Increase insulation levels in your exterior and basement walls, ceilings, floors, and crawl spaces.
d.Switch from a desktop to a laptop computer
7. Keeping healthy and fit requires a regular exercise routine, but much of the "stuff" associated with working out these days consumes resources unnecessarily, and creates waste and pollution. What's the most important step you can take to minimize the environmental impact of your exercise regimen?
a.Buy (and use) a reusable water bottle.
b.Take your exercise routine off the treadmill and elliptical, and get outside to work out.
c.Join a "green gym"
d.All of the above
8. From excess packaging to the potential presence of parabens (say that three times fast!), the morning beauty routine can take its toll on the environment, and even present health threats. Which of the choices for changing beauty and personal care habits listed below will most likely make multiple positive impacts on your health and your environmental footprint?
a.Buy cosmetics and personal care products labeled "organic"
b.Cut back on the number of products (even "safe" products), and use them less often
c.Buy cosmetics and personal care products labeled "natural"
d.Grind your own minerals, mix your own moisturizers, and boil your own soap.
9. You're cooking for a group of friends, several of whom are vegan. The recipe you want to make lists eggs as an ingredient. What should you do?
a.Ditch the recipe, and serve carrot and celery sticks.
b.Include the eggs--they won't notice.
c.Replace the eggs with mashed bananas
d.None of the above
By Jeff McIntire-Strasburg
Source: http://www.beliefnet.com/Holistic-Living/Environment/Quizzes/How-Eco-Savvy-Are-You.aspx
Top 10 Green Celebrities
1. Leonardo DiCaprio
This outspoken young star has been a driving force behind the green movement for over a decade. He lends his talents to projects like the climate change documentary The 11th Hour (which he narrated, co-produced and wrote) and the upcoming eco-friendly reality program "Greensburg" (he's the executive producer) airing on the Discovery Channel's Planet Green, which chronicles the green rebuilding of a town in Kansas that was destroyed by a tornado; he established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which helps raise awareness of environmental issues; and he's often caught tooling around Tinseltown in his Toyota Prius hybrid. DiCaprio stays green at home, too-with his $3,200 eco-friendly toilet!
2. Ed Begley, Jr.
It's one thing to walk a red carpet in support of green organizations, but quite another to live the way Begley Jr. does. He composts his garbage, relies on solar and thermal power to run his home, has his own line of green cleaning products called Begley's Best, and even once eschewed a limo and arrived at the Academy Awards on his bike. You can watch Ed in eco-action on his Planet Green program "Living with Ed."
3. Alicia Silverstone
Silverstone has never met an animal she didn't love, which is why this strict vegan has sworn off fur, leather, and any food from an animal source (that includes milk and even honey). Even her family of four rescued dogs--who live with her in a solar-paneled home in Los Angeles, complete with organic veggie garden--are vegans! She and her husband, musician Christopher Jarecki, celebrated their eco-friendly wedding with recycled invitations, organic (and vegan, of course) food, and organic flowers.
4. Ed Norton
This renewable-energy expert has been pushing energy alternatives for some time now. He is especially interested in helping low-income families go green. Through a program of his design called BP Solar Neighbors, every time a celebrity purchases a solar panel system for his or her home, BP donates a similar unit to a needy Los Angeles family. Norton also hosted a National Geographic series called "Strange Days on Planet Earth," which aired on PBS, and is an active board member of the Friends of the High Line group, which has campaigned to save and rebuild green space in Manhattan.
5. George Clooney
He saved plenty of lives as a doctor on ER, but we'd say he's had a larger impact on the real world, now that he tirelessly fights to aid refugees around the world. Clooney is a United Nations Messenger of Peace and has supported organizations such as Save Darfur. He has also worked to raise awareness about and decrease our nation's dependence on oil by being a part of films such as "Syriana"--which fictionalized the rampant corruption of the oil industry--and by driving an electric car.
6. Adrian Grenier
The "Entourage" star and his real life band of eco-activist friends have teamed joined forcesup for the Plant Green TV show Alter Eco, which follows the "Green Team" as they help both celebs and regular folks find ways to live in a more Earth-friendly manner. Grenier is no green slouch off-screen, either: he drives a Prius and his Brooklyn home boasts recycled insulation made from recycled denim (which is a healthy, green alternative to traditional fiberglass insulation), solar panels, and reclaimed oak floors.
7. Cameron Diaz
The Prius-driving Diaz has done many good green deeds as an environmental activist with organizations like the Environmental Media Association, for which she filmed public service announcements about energy conservation. She also helped spread carry the word message about the importance of protecting the Earth to the MTV generation when she worked on the music video channel's "Trippin'" TV program, which featured Diaz and her friends traveling the world and working on environmental projects in other countries. Also, she helped Al Gore kick off the Live Earth concert series in 2007.
8. Tom Hanks
This big time, big screen star wasn't satisfied with the a basic hybrid. His logic: while hybrids average an impressive 60 miles per gallon, they still require gas. Instead, Tom Hanks has been driving completely electric vehicles for years. The actor is so proud of his latest gas-free ride that he made a video explaining how his electric Scion xB works--while driving it around L.A. Hanks also works from his production company's solar-powered office building.
9. Daryl Hannah
This Earth Mother makes going green look great with the chic and sustainable products sold through her online store, Love Life Goods. Each item--from a stainless steel compost bucket to a bamboo and organic cotton robe--is hand-picked by Daryl and guaranteed to be one of her green favorites. The actress also produces a web show for her site, which focuses on different green lifestyles and discoveries. In one episode, she shows off her biodiesel El Camino car that runs on vegetable oil!
10. Hayden Panettiere
A teen queen she may be, but the star of the hit show Heroes is already making quite a name for herself as an environmental and animal activist. Panettiere made international news when she was issued an arrest warrant in Japan after protesting against whale and dolphin hunting in that country. She was subsequently given a a Genesis Award (which honors those in the entertainment industry who help spread the message of compassion for animals) by the Humane Society for her efforts. A few months later, she was back in action on behalf of animals, donating the clothes off her back to raise money and awareness for the Save the Whales Again Campaign. She's also been snapped by the paparazzi carrying reusable grocery bags-to her SUV, though, proving she still has some green lessons to learn.
This outspoken young star has been a driving force behind the green movement for over a decade. He lends his talents to projects like the climate change documentary The 11th Hour (which he narrated, co-produced and wrote) and the upcoming eco-friendly reality program "Greensburg" (he's the executive producer) airing on the Discovery Channel's Planet Green, which chronicles the green rebuilding of a town in Kansas that was destroyed by a tornado; he established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which helps raise awareness of environmental issues; and he's often caught tooling around Tinseltown in his Toyota Prius hybrid. DiCaprio stays green at home, too-with his $3,200 eco-friendly toilet!
2. Ed Begley, Jr.
It's one thing to walk a red carpet in support of green organizations, but quite another to live the way Begley Jr. does. He composts his garbage, relies on solar and thermal power to run his home, has his own line of green cleaning products called Begley's Best, and even once eschewed a limo and arrived at the Academy Awards on his bike. You can watch Ed in eco-action on his Planet Green program "Living with Ed."
3. Alicia Silverstone
Silverstone has never met an animal she didn't love, which is why this strict vegan has sworn off fur, leather, and any food from an animal source (that includes milk and even honey). Even her family of four rescued dogs--who live with her in a solar-paneled home in Los Angeles, complete with organic veggie garden--are vegans! She and her husband, musician Christopher Jarecki, celebrated their eco-friendly wedding with recycled invitations, organic (and vegan, of course) food, and organic flowers.
4. Ed Norton
This renewable-energy expert has been pushing energy alternatives for some time now. He is especially interested in helping low-income families go green. Through a program of his design called BP Solar Neighbors, every time a celebrity purchases a solar panel system for his or her home, BP donates a similar unit to a needy Los Angeles family. Norton also hosted a National Geographic series called "Strange Days on Planet Earth," which aired on PBS, and is an active board member of the Friends of the High Line group, which has campaigned to save and rebuild green space in Manhattan.
5. George Clooney
He saved plenty of lives as a doctor on ER, but we'd say he's had a larger impact on the real world, now that he tirelessly fights to aid refugees around the world. Clooney is a United Nations Messenger of Peace and has supported organizations such as Save Darfur. He has also worked to raise awareness about and decrease our nation's dependence on oil by being a part of films such as "Syriana"--which fictionalized the rampant corruption of the oil industry--and by driving an electric car.
6. Adrian Grenier
The "Entourage" star and his real life band of eco-activist friends have teamed joined forcesup for the Plant Green TV show Alter Eco, which follows the "Green Team" as they help both celebs and regular folks find ways to live in a more Earth-friendly manner. Grenier is no green slouch off-screen, either: he drives a Prius and his Brooklyn home boasts recycled insulation made from recycled denim (which is a healthy, green alternative to traditional fiberglass insulation), solar panels, and reclaimed oak floors.
7. Cameron Diaz
The Prius-driving Diaz has done many good green deeds as an environmental activist with organizations like the Environmental Media Association, for which she filmed public service announcements about energy conservation. She also helped spread carry the word message about the importance of protecting the Earth to the MTV generation when she worked on the music video channel's "Trippin'" TV program, which featured Diaz and her friends traveling the world and working on environmental projects in other countries. Also, she helped Al Gore kick off the Live Earth concert series in 2007.
8. Tom Hanks
This big time, big screen star wasn't satisfied with the a basic hybrid. His logic: while hybrids average an impressive 60 miles per gallon, they still require gas. Instead, Tom Hanks has been driving completely electric vehicles for years. The actor is so proud of his latest gas-free ride that he made a video explaining how his electric Scion xB works--while driving it around L.A. Hanks also works from his production company's solar-powered office building.
9. Daryl Hannah
This Earth Mother makes going green look great with the chic and sustainable products sold through her online store, Love Life Goods. Each item--from a stainless steel compost bucket to a bamboo and organic cotton robe--is hand-picked by Daryl and guaranteed to be one of her green favorites. The actress also produces a web show for her site, which focuses on different green lifestyles and discoveries. In one episode, she shows off her biodiesel El Camino car that runs on vegetable oil!
10. Hayden Panettiere
A teen queen she may be, but the star of the hit show Heroes is already making quite a name for herself as an environmental and animal activist. Panettiere made international news when she was issued an arrest warrant in Japan after protesting against whale and dolphin hunting in that country. She was subsequently given a a Genesis Award (which honors those in the entertainment industry who help spread the message of compassion for animals) by the Humane Society for her efforts. A few months later, she was back in action on behalf of animals, donating the clothes off her back to raise money and awareness for the Save the Whales Again Campaign. She's also been snapped by the paparazzi carrying reusable grocery bags-to her SUV, though, proving she still has some green lessons to learn.
Ciptakan Kembali Bumi Kita
Caring for the environment is a way of respecting God and caring for ourselves, say authors Tony Campolo and Gordon Aeschliman. Adopt their God-inspired earth-friendly ideas.
When we care for the environment, we show our deep respect for the Creator in much the same way we would admire the work of a great artist in a museum. When we fail to care for our planet, the world sees our treatment of Creation and unconsciously picks up the message regarding our disrespect.
What is more, caring for Creation is a way of caring for ourselves. Nature has a way of ministering back to us. It provides color, shapes, scents, shade, and sustenance. And by tending Creation, we also show consideration for our children's future. We demonstrate that we love them enough to provide a clean and beautiful garden that paints a stunning picture of the Artist.
Discover 11 ways that Christians--and everyone else--care for the environment.
Adapted from "Everybody Wants to Change the World," (c) 2006 by Tony Campolo and Gordon Aeschliman. Published by Regal Books. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Project #1: Green Your City
Christians sometimes find it difficult to find common ground with people outside their faith. One way to come together with those who might not be Christians is to simply care for the earth by “greening” your city or community.
Among other ideas, you can: Adopt a block, plant a tree or create a mini-park for the community.
Pick the level that suits your situation. You may want to gather a group of friends, recruit members from your church, or join with other church groups in your region to take on the more ambitious projects.
• Adopt a Block. Landscape the sidewalks or medians of a specific section of town—perhaps even a couple of city blocks
• Stage a Cleanup. Offer to stage a trash cleanup event with your group in an area of your city that desperately needs to be picked clean of trash and rubbish.
• Plant a Tree. Plant trees on city- or county-owned property that is unlikely to be developed.
• Do Some Landscaping. Landscape a city monument or historical building.
• Create a Minipark. This is not a large recreational facility, of course, but a walk-and-sit kind of place where you bring your picnic basket for a slow lunch.
Project #2: Green Your Church or School
One way that you can make a difference in our own community is to volunteer to make sure your church or school’s habits are friendly to the environment.
Three possibilities: Reduce paperwork, avoid waste, recycle.
Some of the ways that you can help green your church or school include:
• Reduce Paperwork. Project announcements or any materials you are using for a presentation on a screen instead of printing them on a sheet of paper.
• Avoid Waste. When possible, use plates, cups and silverware that can be washed.
• Create a System. Create a simple recycling system, if there isn’t one in place, to collect all newspapers, magazines, used office paper and junk mail.
Project #3: Celebrate Earth Day
To really get into the spirit of Earth Day, consider volunteering at an Earth Day event in your city or region.
Volunteer to do a local trash cleanup, start a recycling program and use more recycled goods, plant trees, learn how to keep your house plants growing with less water, dispose of toxins properly, and discover ways to minimize the amount of time you drive your car.
You can do these things each day of the year, or you pick one at a time and implement it into your daily routine.
One of the easiest Earth Day projects that you can do right now is to reduce the amount of energy you use in your home. Begin by replacing the light bulbs in your house or apartment with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs), which last longer and use less energy. In fact, the Earth Day Network estimates that if every household in the United States replaced just one light bulb with a CFL, it would eliminate the equivalent of the emissions caused by one million cars.4
The single greatest energy eater in your home is probably your refrigerator, so reduce the energy used in this giant appliance by lowering the thermostat one or two degrees.
Project #4: Noah's Ark
Most ancient traditions have stories about protecting animals and plants.
Whether the saving act is for the species themselves or because of some use they bring to humans, the idea of ridding the world of everything but humans and a few crops on which they depend has never been a praiseworthy vision.
There are many ways to get involved to help protect animals and plants. A primary way is to write letters to your senators and congressmen about protecting America’s public lands and wildlife preserves, confronting global warming, and preserving the Endangered Species Act.
Another way to help is to volunteer with a local wildlife society, which will also help you engage in your local community and raise your general awareness level.
Three organizations that provide helpful information on endangered species include the World Wildlife Fund, the National Wildlife Federation, and the World Conservation Union.
Photographs of endangered species and other helpful resources are available at the organization’s website at www.iucn.org.
Project #5: Cut the Trash
America constitutes about 5 percent of the world’s population, yet we consume approximately 30 percent of the world’s resources. We also produce approximately 19 percent of the world’s trash.6
Part of the myth that drives overconsumption is that all of this extra stuff will somehow make our lives better and our spirits happier. This myth is too costly to the earth and to our souls.
One important way to be kind to the earth is to simply use less of it. Some of the ways to begin to make a difference in the world today include: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle.
• Refuse: Just say no. Don’t buy something just because you can or because you want it. Every time you buy something, you are using up a piece of the earth and causing pollution.
• Reduce: If you cannot say no, perhaps you can reduce your rate of consumption. For example, how about using half of a tank of gas this week rather than three-quarters of a tank of gas?
• Reuse: Sometimes waste is just so meaningless. When you throw out a bottle after drinking its contents, it’s no different from throwing out a mug at the restaurant after drinking the coffee from it!
• Recycle: This is the bottom of the hierarchy—the last stop. It’s better to just say no for starters, but if you can’t (or if you have already reduced and reused), you can often recycle something instead of just throwing it in the trash bin.
Project #6: Take a Bike
One of the best ways to be kind to the environment is to reduce carbon emissions. The car is a chief culprit in creating air pollution.
One way that you can help to reduce carbon emissions and improve the quality of the air is to join with millions of Americans who are discovering a new love affair—the bike.
Cycling to work, to school or to a friend’s house can be a practical and, at the same time, healthy way of commuting around town.
One innovative group that is pushing for more cycling is Yellow Bikes (a takeoff of Yellow Cabs), headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota. The group’s initial idea was to create a large pool of reconditioned bikes for free public use in cities across America. People could simply pick up a bike at a predetermined location and drop it off when they were done.
If you don’t want to join Yellow Bikes (or there is not one located in your area), you can still help the environment by simply giving your car a break now and then.
Contact Yellow Bikes for ideas on how to make the most of cycling. The web address is www.yellowbikes.org.
Project #7: Be Kind to Animals
There’s a certain edge to human arrogance that views animals as a simple resource to be exploited at all costs.
Some humans have developed a kind of dominion ideology in which they believe that they have the ethical right to do with animals as they please. No compassion or moral thought enters their minds as they treat animals with total disregard.
How you can help:
Change you lifestyle to be more animal-friendly, conduct an education campaign for animals, sign up people for community-wide efforts to end animal cruelty.
The first thing you can do to counteract this is find ways to change your personal lifestyle so that you can go through life’s normal consuming demands without inflicting pain on animals.
One organization that is devoted to kindness to animals is People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The organization posts both the good and the ugly on its website, where you can find the latest campaigns against companies that violate animals, learn which food and clothing products are created without animal testing, and discover other resources for further education. Make a commitment with what you learn from the PETA website to buy only certain kinds of products.
Next, conduct an education campaign on your campus. Set up a creative booth at the student mall or other public place where you can show videos (PETA has plenty), display posters, or hand out relevant literature. You’d be surprised how many students are not aware of the price that animals pay to maintain people’s lifestyle in our society. Be creative.
The final suggestion is to sign people up for current animal cruelty campaigns.
Project #8: Drop Down the Food Chain
One sensible way of being easier on the earth is by eating lower on the food chain.
Central to the principle of eating lower on the food chain is the idea of lessening each person’s net impact upon the earth. Here’s one way to think of it: What is the most efficient means of getting meat protein?
Well, ounce for ounce of net protein, it takes 13 times as much grain to feed a cow as it does a chicken. When you add to that the other costs of feeding cows versus chickens (barns, fences, fields, fuel, equipment, staffing), the cost of cow protein becomes much higher. So, if we are able to get the same nutritional value into our bodies from a bite of chicken as we can from a bite of beef, why not use that means and preserve the earth?
The key to eating low on the food chain is to gain proteins from “low cost” sources. In fact, you don’t even have to eat meat for protein—you can get all the protein you need from a combination of grains and legumes. If you do eat meat, you can make a habit of eating chicken or fish more than beef. (Your doctor will tell you that all of your body’s protein needs for one day can be satisfied with one bite of chicken—it’s not as though we have to eat a side of beef to stay healthy!) The idea here is not to be legalistic about food but to be sensible and creative.
For ideas on eating low on the food chain, go to www.tryveg.com or www.goveg.com. The PETA website also has a friendly vegetarian section at www.peta.org.
Project #9: Go Solar
With our country smarting from the price of overseas oil, it suddenly has become fashionable to consider solar energy as a viable option.
Some states, such as Pennsylvania, give consumers the right to choose the source of the energy they are purchasing (solar and wind are among those choices). Energy companies are required to purchase their energy from whatever source the consumer demands.
That wonderfully progressive law puts the power of consumption back into the hands of citizens rather than a few powerful corporations.
A green campaign will not succeed overnight, because too many people and corporations benefit from our remaining dependent on unhealthy energy sources. But tomorrow’s world does not belong to those corporations—it belongs to today’s women and men who have the moral right to steer this ship on a different course.
For more information on the benefits of switching to green power and green power programs, visit www.greenpower.gov or the Environmental Protection Agency’s green power link at http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/.
Project #10: Save the Rainforest
It has been estimated that the world’s rainforests are being destroyed at the rate of at least 80,000 acres per day.
There is a myth in the West that these lands are destroyed primarily by indigenous people who do slash-and-burn farming. But the true culprits are people outside of the rainforest who go there to access mineral resources (such as gold), build pipelines to export oil, set up fruit farms, or clear thousands of acres to graze cattle.
These economic enterprises capture the benefits of the local rainforest for the exclusive purpose of exporting products for profit.
The devastation as a result of these practices that is wreaked on the roughly 50 million indigenous people who live in the rainforest is unconscionable.11 When we destroy the rainforest, we are directly destroying them.
How can you help? One organization, the Eden Conservancy, is preserving a large section of rainforest in Belize as part of a biological corridor that extends through the continent. The idea is to preserve the local integrity of the rainforest and create a permanent corridor that will ensure the survival of endangered species in that region.
To purchase and permanently set aside an acre of rainforest into the Eden Conservancy Trust costs only $200. This is a great idea for group fundraisers or for holiday gifts and personal donations. When you purchase an acre of rainforest, the Eden Conservancy will send an attractive Certificate of Trust with your name on it to indicate the number of acres that have been saved.
To purchase acreage, contact the Eden Conservancy through the Jaguar Creek environmental center at www.jaguarcreek.org. Or, to learn more about the importance of rainforests and the effects of deforestation, visit www.mongabay.com.
Project #11: Spread the Vision for the Environment
Some ideas that we recommend for spreading the vision for the environment in your church, school or neighborhood include the following: Celebrate Earth Day, join the parade, set up a booth, announce your plans, hold a seminar.
• Celebrate Earth Day. Ask your church’s leadership to make Earth Day a part of the annual church calendar so that at least for one day of the year, your fellow church members will focus on global issues.
• Join the Parade. If your town has an Earth Day parade, strongly urge your fellow churchgoers to join the event as a clear statement that Christians love the creation of their Lord. However, make sure you discourage people from the temptation to show up at the event with placards and slogans that try to “correct” other people’s orientation to the environment. Allow this to be a positive time of public cooperation and affirmation.
• Set up a Booth. Set up an informational table or booth in your church foyer. At your table, be prepared to talk to people who are interested in helping the environment and be sure to have some statistics, information and practical suggestions available to promote environment-friendly tactics.
• Announce Your Plans. Don’t be afraid to ask your pastor or for advice on ways that you can get the word out.
• Hold a Seminar. Get some friends together and hold a Saturday or Sunday afternoon seminar on the environment for those in your church who want to learn more about environmental issues.
When we care for the environment, we show our deep respect for the Creator in much the same way we would admire the work of a great artist in a museum. When we fail to care for our planet, the world sees our treatment of Creation and unconsciously picks up the message regarding our disrespect.
What is more, caring for Creation is a way of caring for ourselves. Nature has a way of ministering back to us. It provides color, shapes, scents, shade, and sustenance. And by tending Creation, we also show consideration for our children's future. We demonstrate that we love them enough to provide a clean and beautiful garden that paints a stunning picture of the Artist.
Discover 11 ways that Christians--and everyone else--care for the environment.
Adapted from "Everybody Wants to Change the World," (c) 2006 by Tony Campolo and Gordon Aeschliman. Published by Regal Books. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Project #1: Green Your City
Christians sometimes find it difficult to find common ground with people outside their faith. One way to come together with those who might not be Christians is to simply care for the earth by “greening” your city or community.
Among other ideas, you can: Adopt a block, plant a tree or create a mini-park for the community.
Pick the level that suits your situation. You may want to gather a group of friends, recruit members from your church, or join with other church groups in your region to take on the more ambitious projects.
• Adopt a Block. Landscape the sidewalks or medians of a specific section of town—perhaps even a couple of city blocks
• Stage a Cleanup. Offer to stage a trash cleanup event with your group in an area of your city that desperately needs to be picked clean of trash and rubbish.
• Plant a Tree. Plant trees on city- or county-owned property that is unlikely to be developed.
• Do Some Landscaping. Landscape a city monument or historical building.
• Create a Minipark. This is not a large recreational facility, of course, but a walk-and-sit kind of place where you bring your picnic basket for a slow lunch.
Project #2: Green Your Church or School
One way that you can make a difference in our own community is to volunteer to make sure your church or school’s habits are friendly to the environment.
Three possibilities: Reduce paperwork, avoid waste, recycle.
Some of the ways that you can help green your church or school include:
• Reduce Paperwork. Project announcements or any materials you are using for a presentation on a screen instead of printing them on a sheet of paper.
• Avoid Waste. When possible, use plates, cups and silverware that can be washed.
• Create a System. Create a simple recycling system, if there isn’t one in place, to collect all newspapers, magazines, used office paper and junk mail.
Project #3: Celebrate Earth Day
To really get into the spirit of Earth Day, consider volunteering at an Earth Day event in your city or region.
Volunteer to do a local trash cleanup, start a recycling program and use more recycled goods, plant trees, learn how to keep your house plants growing with less water, dispose of toxins properly, and discover ways to minimize the amount of time you drive your car.
You can do these things each day of the year, or you pick one at a time and implement it into your daily routine.
One of the easiest Earth Day projects that you can do right now is to reduce the amount of energy you use in your home. Begin by replacing the light bulbs in your house or apartment with Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs), which last longer and use less energy. In fact, the Earth Day Network estimates that if every household in the United States replaced just one light bulb with a CFL, it would eliminate the equivalent of the emissions caused by one million cars.4
The single greatest energy eater in your home is probably your refrigerator, so reduce the energy used in this giant appliance by lowering the thermostat one or two degrees.
Project #4: Noah's Ark
Most ancient traditions have stories about protecting animals and plants.
Whether the saving act is for the species themselves or because of some use they bring to humans, the idea of ridding the world of everything but humans and a few crops on which they depend has never been a praiseworthy vision.
There are many ways to get involved to help protect animals and plants. A primary way is to write letters to your senators and congressmen about protecting America’s public lands and wildlife preserves, confronting global warming, and preserving the Endangered Species Act.
Another way to help is to volunteer with a local wildlife society, which will also help you engage in your local community and raise your general awareness level.
Three organizations that provide helpful information on endangered species include the World Wildlife Fund, the National Wildlife Federation, and the World Conservation Union.
Photographs of endangered species and other helpful resources are available at the organization’s website at www.iucn.org.
Project #5: Cut the Trash
America constitutes about 5 percent of the world’s population, yet we consume approximately 30 percent of the world’s resources. We also produce approximately 19 percent of the world’s trash.6
Part of the myth that drives overconsumption is that all of this extra stuff will somehow make our lives better and our spirits happier. This myth is too costly to the earth and to our souls.
One important way to be kind to the earth is to simply use less of it. Some of the ways to begin to make a difference in the world today include: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle.
• Refuse: Just say no. Don’t buy something just because you can or because you want it. Every time you buy something, you are using up a piece of the earth and causing pollution.
• Reduce: If you cannot say no, perhaps you can reduce your rate of consumption. For example, how about using half of a tank of gas this week rather than three-quarters of a tank of gas?
• Reuse: Sometimes waste is just so meaningless. When you throw out a bottle after drinking its contents, it’s no different from throwing out a mug at the restaurant after drinking the coffee from it!
• Recycle: This is the bottom of the hierarchy—the last stop. It’s better to just say no for starters, but if you can’t (or if you have already reduced and reused), you can often recycle something instead of just throwing it in the trash bin.
Project #6: Take a Bike
One of the best ways to be kind to the environment is to reduce carbon emissions. The car is a chief culprit in creating air pollution.
One way that you can help to reduce carbon emissions and improve the quality of the air is to join with millions of Americans who are discovering a new love affair—the bike.
Cycling to work, to school or to a friend’s house can be a practical and, at the same time, healthy way of commuting around town.
One innovative group that is pushing for more cycling is Yellow Bikes (a takeoff of Yellow Cabs), headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota. The group’s initial idea was to create a large pool of reconditioned bikes for free public use in cities across America. People could simply pick up a bike at a predetermined location and drop it off when they were done.
If you don’t want to join Yellow Bikes (or there is not one located in your area), you can still help the environment by simply giving your car a break now and then.
Contact Yellow Bikes for ideas on how to make the most of cycling. The web address is www.yellowbikes.org.
Project #7: Be Kind to Animals
There’s a certain edge to human arrogance that views animals as a simple resource to be exploited at all costs.
Some humans have developed a kind of dominion ideology in which they believe that they have the ethical right to do with animals as they please. No compassion or moral thought enters their minds as they treat animals with total disregard.
How you can help:
Change you lifestyle to be more animal-friendly, conduct an education campaign for animals, sign up people for community-wide efforts to end animal cruelty.
The first thing you can do to counteract this is find ways to change your personal lifestyle so that you can go through life’s normal consuming demands without inflicting pain on animals.
One organization that is devoted to kindness to animals is People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The organization posts both the good and the ugly on its website, where you can find the latest campaigns against companies that violate animals, learn which food and clothing products are created without animal testing, and discover other resources for further education. Make a commitment with what you learn from the PETA website to buy only certain kinds of products.
Next, conduct an education campaign on your campus. Set up a creative booth at the student mall or other public place where you can show videos (PETA has plenty), display posters, or hand out relevant literature. You’d be surprised how many students are not aware of the price that animals pay to maintain people’s lifestyle in our society. Be creative.
The final suggestion is to sign people up for current animal cruelty campaigns.
Project #8: Drop Down the Food Chain
One sensible way of being easier on the earth is by eating lower on the food chain.
Central to the principle of eating lower on the food chain is the idea of lessening each person’s net impact upon the earth. Here’s one way to think of it: What is the most efficient means of getting meat protein?
Well, ounce for ounce of net protein, it takes 13 times as much grain to feed a cow as it does a chicken. When you add to that the other costs of feeding cows versus chickens (barns, fences, fields, fuel, equipment, staffing), the cost of cow protein becomes much higher. So, if we are able to get the same nutritional value into our bodies from a bite of chicken as we can from a bite of beef, why not use that means and preserve the earth?
The key to eating low on the food chain is to gain proteins from “low cost” sources. In fact, you don’t even have to eat meat for protein—you can get all the protein you need from a combination of grains and legumes. If you do eat meat, you can make a habit of eating chicken or fish more than beef. (Your doctor will tell you that all of your body’s protein needs for one day can be satisfied with one bite of chicken—it’s not as though we have to eat a side of beef to stay healthy!) The idea here is not to be legalistic about food but to be sensible and creative.
For ideas on eating low on the food chain, go to www.tryveg.com or www.goveg.com. The PETA website also has a friendly vegetarian section at www.peta.org.
Project #9: Go Solar
With our country smarting from the price of overseas oil, it suddenly has become fashionable to consider solar energy as a viable option.
Some states, such as Pennsylvania, give consumers the right to choose the source of the energy they are purchasing (solar and wind are among those choices). Energy companies are required to purchase their energy from whatever source the consumer demands.
That wonderfully progressive law puts the power of consumption back into the hands of citizens rather than a few powerful corporations.
A green campaign will not succeed overnight, because too many people and corporations benefit from our remaining dependent on unhealthy energy sources. But tomorrow’s world does not belong to those corporations—it belongs to today’s women and men who have the moral right to steer this ship on a different course.
For more information on the benefits of switching to green power and green power programs, visit www.greenpower.gov or the Environmental Protection Agency’s green power link at http://www.epa.gov/greenpower/.
Project #10: Save the Rainforest
It has been estimated that the world’s rainforests are being destroyed at the rate of at least 80,000 acres per day.
There is a myth in the West that these lands are destroyed primarily by indigenous people who do slash-and-burn farming. But the true culprits are people outside of the rainforest who go there to access mineral resources (such as gold), build pipelines to export oil, set up fruit farms, or clear thousands of acres to graze cattle.
These economic enterprises capture the benefits of the local rainforest for the exclusive purpose of exporting products for profit.
The devastation as a result of these practices that is wreaked on the roughly 50 million indigenous people who live in the rainforest is unconscionable.11 When we destroy the rainforest, we are directly destroying them.
How can you help? One organization, the Eden Conservancy, is preserving a large section of rainforest in Belize as part of a biological corridor that extends through the continent. The idea is to preserve the local integrity of the rainforest and create a permanent corridor that will ensure the survival of endangered species in that region.
To purchase and permanently set aside an acre of rainforest into the Eden Conservancy Trust costs only $200. This is a great idea for group fundraisers or for holiday gifts and personal donations. When you purchase an acre of rainforest, the Eden Conservancy will send an attractive Certificate of Trust with your name on it to indicate the number of acres that have been saved.
To purchase acreage, contact the Eden Conservancy through the Jaguar Creek environmental center at www.jaguarcreek.org. Or, to learn more about the importance of rainforests and the effects of deforestation, visit www.mongabay.com.
Project #11: Spread the Vision for the Environment
Some ideas that we recommend for spreading the vision for the environment in your church, school or neighborhood include the following: Celebrate Earth Day, join the parade, set up a booth, announce your plans, hold a seminar.
• Celebrate Earth Day. Ask your church’s leadership to make Earth Day a part of the annual church calendar so that at least for one day of the year, your fellow church members will focus on global issues.
• Join the Parade. If your town has an Earth Day parade, strongly urge your fellow churchgoers to join the event as a clear statement that Christians love the creation of their Lord. However, make sure you discourage people from the temptation to show up at the event with placards and slogans that try to “correct” other people’s orientation to the environment. Allow this to be a positive time of public cooperation and affirmation.
• Set up a Booth. Set up an informational table or booth in your church foyer. At your table, be prepared to talk to people who are interested in helping the environment and be sure to have some statistics, information and practical suggestions available to promote environment-friendly tactics.
• Announce Your Plans. Don’t be afraid to ask your pastor or for advice on ways that you can get the word out.
• Hold a Seminar. Get some friends together and hold a Saturday or Sunday afternoon seminar on the environment for those in your church who want to learn more about environmental issues.
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