Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lewat Gmail, Google Kabarkan Hasil Gugatan Buzz

Sebuah cara yang cukup aneh dilakukan Google setelah mencapai kesepakatan dalam gugatan class action terhadap Google Buzz. Kompensasi atas gugatan itu disampaikan lewat Gmail.

Email itu diterima oleh pengguna Gmail pekan pertama November 2010. Isinya, seperti dikutip detikINET dari email tersebut, Rabu (3/11/2010), sekadar menginformasikan bahwa gugatan pengguna atas Buzz sudah diselesaikan.

Pengguna di Indonesia tak bisa berbuat banyak dengan email tersebut. Karena, kesepakatan atas gugatan itu hanya berlaku bagi pengguna Gmail yang berada di Amerika Serikat.

Selain itu, Google tak menyediakan kompensasi dalam bentuk uang atau ganti rugi langsung lain. Mereka berkomitmen akan menyumbangkan USD 8,5 juta ke sebuah dana independen yang akan mendukung organisasi yang mempromosikan edukasi soal privasi dan kebijakan di web.

Cara Google menyebarkan pengumuman lewat Gmail ini sungguh aneh. Rupanya hal itu diwajibkan oleh pihak pengadilan sebagai bentuk pengumuman pada penggugat, yaitu pengguna Gmail di AS.

Meskipun email yang ini diperkirakan asli, pengguna sebaiknya terus waspada dengan upaya penipuan yang mengatasnamakan Google atau pihak lain di kemudian hari.

Berikut isi email itu secara lengkap:

Google rarely contacts Gmail users via email, but we are making an exception to let you know that we've reached a settlement in a lawsuit regarding Google Buzz (, a service we launched within Gmail in February of this year.

Shortly after its launch, we heard from a number of people who were concerned about privacy. In addition, we were sued by a group of Buzz users and recently reached a settlement in this case.

The settlement acknowledges that we quickly changed the service to address users' concerns. In addition, Google has committed $8.5 million to an independent fund, most of which will support organizations promoting privacy education and policy on the web. We will also do more to educate people about privacy controls specific to Buzz. The more people know about privacy online, the better their online experience will be.

Just to be clear, this is not a settlement in which people who use Gmail can file to receive compensation. Everyone in the U.S. who uses Gmail is included in the settlement, unless you personally decide to opt out before December 6, 2010. The Court will consider final approval of the agreement on January 31, 2011. This email is a summary of the settlement, and more detailed information and instructions approved by the court, including instructions about how to opt out, object, or comment, are available at

03 Nov 2010

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