Showing posts with label Green People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green People. Show all posts

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tentang EMIL SALIM: Dari Menteri, Surat Cinta, sampai Gebrak Meja

Peluncuran Peta Jalan Menuju Penyelamatan Ekosistem Sumatera, 11 Mei lalu, menjadi riuh. Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Djoko Kirmanto mencurahkan isi hati soal ”surat cinta” Emil Salim. ”Kalau bertemu di Istana, saya kadang dipanggil dan diberi ’surat cinta’. Waktu saya mau membuka, Pak Emil bilang, ’Jangan, nanti di kantor saja’. Ternyata betul, setelah saya buka, berlembar-lembar,” tutur Djoko disambut tawa hadirin.

Konon, Emil kerap mampir ke Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU). ”Beliau bisa menemui siapa saja, lalu, ya, marah- marah,” kata Djoko yang disambut gelak hadirin. Bahkan, konon Emil mengatakan kepada Sri Mulyani, ”Kementerian PU jangan diberi uang banyak-banyak.”

Demi anak cucu

Minggu (20/6), dalam syukuran ulang tahunnya ke-80, Emil menjelaskan ”kegilaannya” itu. ”Kalau Saudara bertanya, ’Hai Emil Salim, apa yang mendorong kau bekerja seperti orang gila?’ Jawaban adalah mengejar masa depan lebih baik bagi anak cucu saya,” tuturnya.

”Mafia Barkeley”, peranan ekonom yang meraih gelar master dan doktor ilmu ekonomi dari University of California Barkeley, AS, itu justru lebih menonjol sebagai empu kebijakan lingkungan hidup.

Saat Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa menggelar konferensi lingkungan hidup pertama di Stockholm, Swedia, pada 1972, Indonesia belum memiliki kementerian lingkungan hidup. Emil, saat itu Wakil Ketua Bappenas, ketiban sampur memimpin rombongan RI ke sana.

Sejak saat itu ia menjadi poros gerakan lingkungan hidup Indonesia. Dia menjadi menteri lingkungan hidup pertama pada 1978. Dia diminta Presiden Soeharto menjadi Menteri Negara Pengawasan Pembangunan dan Lingkungan Hidup Kabinet Pembangunan III sampai 1993.

Emil merintis cikal bakal Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia yang hingga kini menjadi poros advokasi lingkungan hidup Indonesia. Pada 1992, ia mendirikan Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Pria kelahiran Lahat, Sumatera Selatan, 8 Juni 1930, itu juga mendirikan Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia.

Berhenti jadi menteri, kiprah Emil di bidang lingkungan tak berhenti. Mulai dari menghadiri konferensi, mengirim ”surat cinta”, hingga ”menggebrak meja” para pengambil kebijakan.

Kemarin, para koleganya mempersembahkan buku. Pemimpin Umum Harian Kompas Jakob Oetama menyerahkan buku kumpulan artikel tulisan Emil di harian Kompas sejak 1978, Ratusan Bangsa Merusak Satu Bumi. ”Satu komentar saya, kecintaan dan kepeloporan beliau dalam masalah lingkungan hidup. Isu lingkungan hidup sekarang menjadi sangat aktual. Telepon terbanyak ke Kompas adalah dari warga yang menanyakan soal cuaca. Sungguh tepat dan besar kontribusi Pak Emil Salim,” kata Jakob.

Ekonom Iwan Jaya Azis bersama Lydia M Napitupulu, Arianto A Patunru, dan Budy P Resosudarmo merangkum pemikiran dan konsep Emil dalam buku Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Peran dan Kontribusi Emil Salim. Ekolog Universitas Indonesia, Mohamad Soerjani, menuangkan diskusi panjangnya dengan Emil dalam Ekologi dan Ekonomi, Peran Serta Manusia dalam Ekosistem bagi Peningkatan Kualitas Kehidupan. Aktivis Eka Budianta menuliskan buku Disentuh Emil Salim, Tujuh Kiat Mencintai Tanahair.

”Buku yang saya peroleh dan saya tulis sesungguhnya untuk menggugah orang berpikir. Bisa tidak membangun Indonesia tanpa merusak? Bisa tidak kita memperbaiki lingkungan yang rusak? Untuk cucu-cucu kita,” tutur Emil. (ROW)

Senin, 21 Juni 2010 | 04:17 WIB

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Top 10 Green Celebrities

1. Leonardo DiCaprio

This outspoken young star has been a driving force behind the green movement for over a decade. He lends his talents to projects like the climate change documentary The 11th Hour (which he narrated, co-produced and wrote) and the upcoming eco-friendly reality program "Greensburg" (he's the executive producer) airing on the Discovery Channel's Planet Green, which chronicles the green rebuilding of a town in Kansas that was destroyed by a tornado; he established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which helps raise awareness of environmental issues; and he's often caught tooling around Tinseltown in his Toyota Prius hybrid. DiCaprio stays green at home, too-with his $3,200 eco-friendly toilet!

2. Ed Begley, Jr.

It's one thing to walk a red carpet in support of green organizations, but quite another to live the way Begley Jr. does. He composts his garbage, relies on solar and thermal power to run his home, has his own line of green cleaning products called Begley's Best, and even once eschewed a limo and arrived at the Academy Awards on his bike. You can watch Ed in eco-action on his Planet Green program "Living with Ed."

3. Alicia Silverstone

Silverstone has never met an animal she didn't love, which is why this strict vegan has sworn off fur, leather, and any food from an animal source (that includes milk and even honey). Even her family of four rescued dogs--who live with her in a solar-paneled home in Los Angeles, complete with organic veggie garden--are vegans! She and her husband, musician Christopher Jarecki, celebrated their eco-friendly wedding with recycled invitations, organic (and vegan, of course) food, and organic flowers.

4. Ed Norton

This renewable-energy expert has been pushing energy alternatives for some time now. He is especially interested in helping low-income families go green. Through a program of his design called BP Solar Neighbors, every time a celebrity purchases a solar panel system for his or her home, BP donates a similar unit to a needy Los Angeles family. Norton also hosted a National Geographic series called "Strange Days on Planet Earth," which aired on PBS, and is an active board member of the Friends of the High Line group, which has campaigned to save and rebuild green space in Manhattan.

5. George Clooney

He saved plenty of lives as a doctor on ER, but we'd say he's had a larger impact on the real world, now that he tirelessly fights to aid refugees around the world. Clooney is a United Nations Messenger of Peace and has supported organizations such as Save Darfur. He has also worked to raise awareness about and decrease our nation's dependence on oil by being a part of films such as "Syriana"--which fictionalized the rampant corruption of the oil industry--and by driving an electric car.

6. Adrian Grenier

The "Entourage" star and his real life band of eco-activist friends have teamed joined forcesup for the Plant Green TV show Alter Eco, which follows the "Green Team" as they help both celebs and regular folks find ways to live in a more Earth-friendly manner. Grenier is no green slouch off-screen, either: he drives a Prius and his Brooklyn home boasts recycled insulation made from recycled denim (which is a healthy, green alternative to traditional fiberglass insulation), solar panels, and reclaimed oak floors.

7. Cameron Diaz

The Prius-driving Diaz has done many good green deeds as an environmental activist with organizations like the Environmental Media Association, for which she filmed public service announcements about energy conservation. She also helped spread carry the word message about the importance of protecting the Earth to the MTV generation when she worked on the music video channel's "Trippin'" TV program, which featured Diaz and her friends traveling the world and working on environmental projects in other countries. Also, she helped Al Gore kick off the Live Earth concert series in 2007.

8. Tom Hanks

This big time, big screen star wasn't satisfied with the a basic hybrid. His logic: while hybrids average an impressive 60 miles per gallon, they still require gas. Instead, Tom Hanks has been driving completely electric vehicles for years. The actor is so proud of his latest gas-free ride that he made a video explaining how his electric Scion xB works--while driving it around L.A. Hanks also works from his production company's solar-powered office building.

9. Daryl Hannah

This Earth Mother makes going green look great with the chic and sustainable products sold through her online store, Love Life Goods. Each item--from a stainless steel compost bucket to a bamboo and organic cotton robe--is hand-picked by Daryl and guaranteed to be one of her green favorites. The actress also produces a web show for her site, which focuses on different green lifestyles and discoveries. In one episode, she shows off her biodiesel El Camino car that runs on vegetable oil!

10. Hayden Panettiere

A teen queen she may be, but the star of the hit show Heroes is already making quite a name for herself as an environmental and animal activist. Panettiere made international news when she was issued an arrest warrant in Japan after protesting against whale and dolphin hunting in that country. She was subsequently given a a Genesis Award (which honors those in the entertainment industry who help spread the message of compassion for animals) by the Humane Society for her efforts. A few months later, she was back in action on behalf of animals, donating the clothes off her back to raise money and awareness for the Save the Whales Again Campaign. She's also been snapped by the paparazzi carrying reusable grocery bags-to her SUV, though, proving she still has some green lessons to learn.


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