Monday, May 2, 2011

Pidato Presiden SBY Dalam B4E Global Summit 2010


14.05 – 14.30

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Peace be upon us all

Your Excellency Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator
Honorable Ministers,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me begin by welcoming all of you to Jakarta, and by expressing how honored we are to host this important conference. 
You have picked the right place for a global conference on the green economy.  We are now in the midst of an ambitious campaign to plant 1 billion  yes, 1 billion !  trees nation-wide.  If any of you are interested to plant a tree under your name, let us know. 
Indonesia is also a hot spot for climate diplomacy.  Indeed, it was in Bali 4 years ago that climate negotiators engaged in dramatic tussles during the UNFCCC COP-13 in Bali, whichAlhamdulillah finally led to the historic Bali Road Map.
We have come a long way in the climate negotiations, but despite enormous efforts by the international community, a global climate treaty is still elusive. This is why your meeting here is so important to show that the climate issue is very much alive and that, despite tough economic challenges and problems in the Middle-East, we continue to press on to find common solutions to global problems.
The theme of your Conference this year Leading by Nature: Delivering Transformative Solutions for Our Planet what a clever theme  is right on the mark.
It is time for us to think outside the box.  It is time for us to think a new of imaginative ways to resolve the monumental challenges that we face today and tomorrow.  
To begin with, even though globalization is said to promise a world of plenty, we actually face a world of increasing scarcity.
It is predicted that by 2050, the world population will reach 9 billion.  The human race will need plenty of clean air, food, energy, water, and other resources.  However, according to some estimates, by 2050 our energy resources will be short by 40 % and food supply by 60%.  Today, we continue to be addicted to oil, while non-fossil fuel energy sources are still struggling to catch up. The number of regions that are burdened by a condition of water stress are multiplying.  The greenhouse gas emissions also continue to rise towards a dangerous tipping point without waiting for diplomatic solutions.
This growing scarcity is bound to produce stressful communities.  According to the World Food Program, there are 925 million undernourished people in the world today. That means one in seven people do not get enough nutrition to be healthy and lead a productive life.
Meanwhile, our planet will see more disasters.  A report from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) indicates that climate-induced disasters are now on the rise, and around 70 percent of disasters are now climate related up from around 50 percent from two decades ago.
So transformative solutions : we need plenty of that.  We need solutions that will transform the way we live, produce, consume, work, travel and play.  We need solutions that will place the environment and climate security at the heart of every public and corporate policy.  We need solutions that will make economic growth and technology not the nemesis but the ALLY of our climate stability.  And we need solutions that will serve the practical needs to slow, stop and reverse the process of climate change.
The case for transformation solutions is therefore compelling.  I am convinced that we are NOT short of creative solutions; yet, somehow we ARE still short of political will in some nations.
What is certain is that Governments alone no longer have the solutions.  To secure our climate future, we will need a GRAND SCHEME th will involve a combination of Government policies, international cooperation, market incentives, technological innovation, civil society participation, and corporate participation.  
This is where you as captains of industry can make significant contributions.  You do not have to wait for the multilateral negotiations to produce a new global climate treaty : you can start to act now to make a difference. 
I am glad to see among us today leaders in various sectors; 
       We have Business leaders that provide technologies using alternatives to fossil fuels;
       We have Leaders in engineering and design sectors that provide solution on green building technologies and designs;
       We have leaders that provide innovative and creative solutions to promote renewable energy,
       And we have Leaders in forestry, agriculture and food industry that can share best practice for sustainable agriculture and forestry management
Together, the private and the public sectors must collaborate further, and go beyond business as usual.  Youre your resources together, and we will certainly come up withtransformative solutions to save our planet. 
In any transformative solutions, the question of financing is always key.  There are no easy answers, especially as we anticipate tough times with the global economy in the short run. 
At the UNFCCC COP 16 in Mexico, we have come up with an innovative idea to establish a Green Climate Fund to ensure the deliverables of funding for enhancing actions on climate change in developing nations. We fully support this initiative and will actively be involved in the process to establish the fund in Durban at the end of this year.
The big question is whether the developed and developing world can now move on and come up with transformative solutions. 
Every year, in keeping with evolving economic and diplomatic circumstances, we kept modifying our ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  We all remain committed to the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capability.  Yet, I also believe that developed countries must take the lead, and developing countries must also do more.  Finding that precise balance and right division of labor between developed and developing countries have not been easy, but without it, there can be no climate stability for our planet.  We must uphold the new premise that, ultimately, our national interests and global interests are inter-twined. 
We in Indonesia have long known that.  We know that we are poised for higher growth and for an important role as part of the climate solution.  Thus, our green economic mantra is calledpro-growth, pro-job, pro-poor, pro-environment  and of course pro-business.  Even though we posted the third highest growth among G20 economies, we have been very mindful of the need for growth with equity, and for an inclusive and sustainable development.  Its a lot of balls to juggle with, but its a necessary challenge. 
Indonesia is never shy to push the limits of climate cooperation. And with the support of international business community, I believe Indonesia can implement green economy to achieve 7% economic growth and 26% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from business as usual scenario in 2020.
To achieve those goals, Indonesia is seriously developing forest schemes to reduce greenhouse gases emanating from terrestrial sources; such as from forests and peat-lands. 
Indonesia has also established various funding initiatives to support the low carbon emission development.  We have established the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund and Indonesia Green Investment (IGI) Fund. We have requested UNDP to facilitate a Financial Institutions that can manage the REDD Plus fund following the Letter of Intent between the Government of Norway and the Republic of Indonesia.
Let me elaborate more on what we have done with our forests. Indonesia as a country with one of the largest rainforest in the world, together with other forested countries, intend to play a significant role in reducing global carbon emissions.  
At the global level, Indonesia has spearheaded greater cooperation to conserve and manage forests sustainability through the Forest Eleven Forum.  This F-11 was established to ensure that forestry countries can collectively be part of the global climate solutions while also attending to their rightful economic and social development needs. I am pleased that the F-11 has produced several collaborative projects which can be complemented with other international deforestation emissions reduction initiatives.  
We are also actively pursuing bilateral forestry cooperation. For example, Indonesia has promoted creative forestry partnerships with Norway, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, United States and other countries. These programs will add values to the current  Sumatra landscapes program financed by a Debt for Nature Swap scheme. We invite all of you to join our endeavor in preserving and expanding these crucial carbon sinks and high biological diversity areas.
In the context of national policies, Indonesia has developed a REDD PLUS strategy that supports strong economic growth and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Our REDD PLUS actions goals will be attained through greater sustainable peat-land and forest management.
Working with our partners, we will protect Indonesias globally significant carbon- and biodiversity-rich tropical rain-forests.  This partnership aims at helping local populations become more prosperous, and not impede their development aspirations.
Furthermore, REDD PLUS is an example of a new course for managing Indonesias natural resources without abandoning industries vital to the economy.   It is about sustainability, for continued growth, enhanced human capital, ensured social equity while at the same time achieving our emission reduction goals.
Consistent with the REDD PLUS initiative, Indonesia offers to allocate the expansion of plantations and other economic activities to already degraded - or low carbon- areas.
Indonesia has more than 30 million hectares of degraded land which are critical to our sustainable economic growth. This means there is sufficient land available for economic productions including the future growth of palm oil and forestry.  Allowing for expansion of palm oil and forestry into degraded land is one of the areas that the government is committed to and working on.
I am pleased to announce that my government will grant access to degraded lands for the industries that are serious in expanding or are planning to invest on these lands, for the welfare of our people and for the future of our planet. 
In addition, new policies and incentives will also be on the table for those who would turn unproductive grasslands into high-yielding and productive assets.
Our basic policy is utilizing the already degraded land for productive purposes while exercising best practices, of not expanding uncontrollably land use for agriculture that is threatening for our environment.
The success of this program is critical to our success in pursuing a green economy
Achieving a green economy will require collective vision, creativity, action and support from a broad cross-section of society, especially the business community.  It will require sustainable consumption and production as part and parcel of a green economy.
You can step forward and play an important role in promoting green economy. You can come up with a new model that generates the business growth while reducing the overall environmental impacts.
The Government of Indonesia recently launched its economic corridor framework, which will be the roadmap for Indonesias sustainable economic growth. It is a plan for sustainable economic growth that would merge Indonesias commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions with clear and actionable steps for achieving strong and sustained economic growth.
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
We all must play our part to secure our climate future.
We cannot lose steam at this late hour.  We need to have faith on many approaches that may look trivial and small, such as use of recycled materials, planting trees in your back yard, and using energy efficient appliances. 
If conducted with persistence, day-by-day, by millions of consumers around the world, these approaches will generate an enormous impact on the efforts to reduce the effects of climate change.
We must also keep in mind that addressing the climate and environment need not be a zero sum game. The poor and local communities must benefit from our effort to save the planet.
And in doing so, governments cannot do the efforts alone. As all of us move on towards low-carbon development, we will need the greater participation of civil society and business leaders as our partners to realize a robust green economy.
Therefore, let me once again invite all captains of industries here to contribute to the creation of a green economy and low-carbon future.
Finally, I wish you all productive deliberations and fruitful outcomes that should lead to transformative solutions for our planetand our future generation.
Thank you.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BNI Berpartisipasi dalam Go Green Pandeglang

Forum Kelompok Tani, Miing Bagito, karyawan BNI Cabang Serang berpose bersama 
Pandeglang – Sabtu, 02 April 2011. Di Alun-alun Kecamatan Saketi Kabupaten Pandeglang, Forum Komunikasi Kelompok Tani Kabupaten Pandeglang menyelenggarakan event penanaman dua juta pohon secara simbolik. Kegiatan ini merupakan rangkaian Penyelenggaraan Penanaman Dua Juta Pohon oleh Forum Komunikasi Kelompok Tani Kebun Bibit Rakyat (KBR). Dalam kesempatan ini, BNI ikut serta berpartisipasi dengan menjadi sponsor utama. Kesediaan BNI merupakan komitmen perusahaan untuk mendukung usaha-usaha komunitas masyarakat melakukan perbaikan kualitas lingkungan hidup khususnya rehabilitasi dan penghijauan lahan. 

Acara ini juga dihadiri oleh Bupati Pandeglang H. Erwan Kurtubi, Anggota DPR-RI Dedy S Gumilar (dikenal sebagai Miing Bagito), Dirjen Bina Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Kementerian Kehutanan (Dirjen BPDAS) Harry Santoso, Pemimpin BNI Cabang Utama Serang Mohammad Khorib, perwakilan Sinar Mas, alim-ulama, aktivis lingkungan dan masyarakat Pandeglang. 

Bupati Pandeglang, Pemimpin BNI Cabang Serang, Miing Bagito, Dirjen BPDAS Kemenhut 
Berikut petikan sambutan BNI dalam acara yang berlangsung hari Sabtu, 02 April 2011 sbb:

Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa kerusakan hutan dan degradasi lingkungan membawa akibat pada pemanasan global. Global warming selanjutnya mengakibatkan perubahan iklim (Climate Change) yang pada akhirnya mengancam kehidupan manusia, alam dan lingkungan sekitar. Indonesia memiliki luas hutan tropis terbesar ketiga di dunia, yaitu seluas ± 138 juta Ha dimana didalamnya terkandung kekayaan alam yang luar biasa besar yang berfungsi sebagai paru-paru dunia.

Namun kondisi hutan di Indonesia selama beberapa tahun terakhir telah mengalami penurunan kualitas yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah perubahan tata guna lahan, deforestasi dan illegal logging, penjarahan hutan, alih fungsi lahan, perambahan kawasan, kebakaran hutan dan tindak kejahatan hutan lainnya. Menyikapi kondisi ini Forum Komunikasi Kelompok Tani Kabupaten Pandeglang berinisiatif untuk melakukan penanaman dua juta bibit pohon di seluruh kelompok tani di bawah kelolaannya. Hal ini menggambarkan aksi nyata untuk mensukseskan program Penanaman 1 (satu) Miliar Pohon yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah pusat beberapa waktu lalu.

Atas upaya-upaya tersebut, PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. dengan bangga mendukung inisiatif mulia yang datang dari komunitas masyarakat untuk melakukan penghijauan di mana pun terlebih lagi di lahan-lahan kritis. Salah bentuk dukungan BNI adalah dengan menjadi sponsor kegiatan yang mana peran serta BNI kiranya dapat memberikan benefit bagi lingkungan hidup dan masyarakat sekitar. Jelas sekali bahwa penghijauan kawasan dan area-area hutan yang kritis memerlukan upaya sinergis seluruh komponen masyarakat termasuk pihak swasta. Selain itu kami mengharapkan agar terdapat upaya pemeliharaan dan monitoring bibit pohon sehingga hasil akhir berupa terciptanya kembali hamparan hijau dapat berjalan secara berkelanjutan.

Kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Forum Kelompok Tani sejalan dengan misi BNI dalam kepedulian terhadap lingkungan dan sosial. Semoga Tuhan memberkati usaha-usaha kita. Salam BNI Go Green!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Putusan Mahkamah Agung Preseden Buruk

Putusan Mahkamah Agung mengabulkan peninjauan kembali, yang mencabut Surat Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup tentang Ketidaklayakan Reklamasi Pantai Utara Jakarta, merupakan preseden buruk pengelolaan lingkungan. Fungsi pengawasan lingkungan dilemahkan.

”Substansi Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No 14/2003 itu seperti tidak diindahkan hakim MA,” kata Koordinator Program Koalisi Rakyat Keadilan Perikanan (Kiara) Abdul Halim di Jakarta, Senin (4/4). SK Menteri LH didasarkan pada penilaian tim analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (amdal) yang menyatakan reklamasi pantura Jakarta tidak layak.

Keputusan MA, lanjutnya, menimbulkan kegelisahan di kampung-kampung nelayan. Kiara, melalui Koalisi Pulihkan Jakarta—yang berisi organisasi Indonesian Center for Environmental Law, Wahana Lingkungan Hidup, Institut Hijau Indonesia, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta, dan Forum Komunikasi Nelayan Jakarta—menyiapkan surat yang mempertanyakan putusan MA itu. ”Kami menuntut MA terbuka ke publik soal keputusan kontroversial ini.”

Menurut Halim, Koalisi Pulihkan Jakarta menuntut pemerintah membatalkan reklamasi karena menghilangkan akses publik untuk hidup dan mengakses pantai gratis. ”Kami juga menuntut agar nelayan dilibatkan dalam penyusunan RTRW (Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah) Jakarta, khususnya Teluk Jakarta,” katanya.

Hingga kemarin, Kementerian LH belum menerima amar putusan MA. ”Kalau betul PK dikabulkan, poin mana? Ada tujuh permohonan PK penggugat,” kata Asisten Deputi Penyelesaian Sengketa Lingkungan Deputi V Penataan Hukum Lingkungan Kementerian LH Cicilia Sulastri. Pihaknya mengirim surat ke MA meminta amar putusan.

Sikap Kementerian LH

Menurut Cicilia, Kementerian LH akan bersikap seusai mempelajari putusan MA. ”Asalkan sesuai aturan pengelolaan lingkungan yang benar, tak ada masalah (reklamasi),” ujarnya.

Dasar penolakan Kementerian LH atas reklamasi pantura, antara lain, bagaimana mengatasi banjir, bahan urukan, pasang surut, dan dampak terhadap Indonesia Power (pembangkit listrik). Poin-poin itu tak terjawab.

Pasca-SK Menteri LH No 14/2003 tentang Ketidaklayakan Rencana Kegiatan Reklamasi dan Revitalisasi Pantai Utara Jakarta, enam investor proyek reklamasi mengadu ke Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Jakarta Timur. Itu awal persoalan sebelum sampai ke MA. (ICH/AIK)

05 April 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ancaman Ledakan Penduduk

LAJU pertumbuhan penduduk negeri ini telah sampai pada titik amat mengkhawatirkan. Ironisnya, Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) dibiarkan ‘bertempur’ sendirian. Jika laju pertambahan penduduk yang rata-rata 3,5 juta-4 juta per tahun tidak segera ditekan, diprediksi pada 2045 jumlah penduduk Indonesia akan mencapai 450 juta jiwa. Dengan asumsi populasi bumi 9 miliar jiwa pada saat itu, berarti 1 dari 20 penduduk dunia adalah orang Indonesia. 
Upaya menekan laju pertumbuhan penduduk dari 1,49% saat ini menuju angka ideal 0,5% masih jauh panggang dari api. Lebih-lebih lagi, hasil survei BKKBN menunjukkan umumnya pasangan usia subur menginginkan anak lebih dari tiga. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tergolong tinggi itu pun tidak disertai dengan peningkatan kualitas. Itu terlihat dari indeks pembangunan manusia Indonesia yang masih tercecer di peringkat 108 dari 169 negara. Di ASEAN, Indonesia berada di peringkat 6 dari 10 negara, atau lebih rendah daripada Singapura, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Filipina. Bertambah penduduk bertambah pula mulut yang harus diberi makan. Saat ini saja Badan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional menyebut 27,5% penduduk Indonesia terkena rawan pangan.

Dengan rata-rata konsumsi beras per kapita di Indonesia sekitar 130 kilogram dan jumlah penduduk 237,6 juta jiwa, saat ini dibutuhkan sedikitnya 34 juta ton beras per tahun. Padahal, produksi beras dalam negeri sekitar 38 juta ton sehingga hanya surplus 4 juta ton beras atau kurang untuk kebutuhan dua bulan. Jika tingkat kegagalan panen meluas dan produksi terpangkas, kebutuhan pangan pun pasti tidak tercukupi. Dapat dipastikan, Indonesia akan menjadi pengimpor beras nomor wahid di dunia. Sekarang saja, ketika produksi beras di negeri ini masih disebut surplus, negeri ini sudah mengimpor 1,9 juta ton beras hingga akhir Maret. Angka itu telah meletakkan Indonesia sebagai importir beras kedua terbesar di dunia setelah Nigeria.

Apakah yang terjadi dengan Indonesia pada 2045, ketika 1 dari 20 penduduk dunia adalah orang Indonesia? Jawabnya Indonesia akan menjadi negeri kelaparan. Karena itu, saat ini juga dibutuhkan kemampuan luar biasa untuk mengendalikan jumlah penduduk agar Indonesia di masa depan tidak bernasib buruk seperti negara-negara di Afrika yang dilanda kurang pangan.

Sumber: Editorial Media Indonesia, Senin 04 April 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

BNI Ikut Ramaikan Car Free Day Maret 2011

Stand BNI meramaikan jalan sudirman pada CFD 27 maret 2011

Jakarta, 27 Maret 2011, BNI konsisten berpartisipasi dalam Car Free Day yang jatuh setiap minggu keempat. Pada Minggu, 27 Maret 2011, CFD BNI dilaksanakan oleh Kantor Wilayah Jakarta Senayan melalui kolaborasi Cabang JPU dan Senayan. Pada event ini, BNI mendirikan stand dan panggung hiburan di sekitar mini market “7 Eleven” di jalan masuk Grand Indonesia. Para cyclist baik nasabah dan pegawai mendapatkan konsumsi makanan, voucher satu lembar yang ditukarkan dengan satu gelas kopi dan roti di “7 Eleven” serta berkesempatan untuk memperoleh grand prize sepeda lipat.

Peserta berangkat dari Kantor BNI Jakarta Pusat pukul 06.45 wib melalui rute Sudirman-Menteng-Grand Indonesia. Lebih dari 100 peserta, baik nasabah maupun pegawai ikut meramaikan CFD BNI kali ini. Sdri. Andini,pegawai Divisi KMP beruntung mendapatkan satu sepeda lipat pada saat penarikan door prize. Yang bersangkutan berhasil menjawab pertanyaan jumlah logo BNI yang terpasang di sepanjang arena stand BNI yakni sebanyak 23 buah logo.

Tampak pada gambar, rekan-rekan panitia Cabang Senayan berfoto bersama dan sejumlah cyclist BNI memeriahkan acara CFD yang digagas BNI JPU-Senayan.

Rekan-rekan BNI dari Cabang Senayan/Jakarta Pusat berpose bersama

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